Major Features

Support Move & MSL keywords and types highlighted in appropriate colors.

Comment and un-comment lines of code using the ⌘ / shortcut on macOS (or the menu command Edit > Toggle Line Comment).

Place your cursor on a delimiter, such as <, ( , or { , and its corresponding delimiter -- > , ) , or } -- will be highlighted.

As you type, items will appear as completion suggestions.

Support template for Sui framework and Move Prover (MSL). Use mouse right-click (or command palette) to apply.

Support generating Spec for Move files and functions.

Support Outline.

    Compiler Diagnostics

    Go to Definition

    Go to Type Definition

    Go to references

    Type information on hover

    Outline view showing symbol tree for Move source files


    Sui Framework Integration

    Multi Projects Support


Sui Move Analyzer Demonstration



    Support Go to Definition, Go to Type Definition, Hover, Autocomplete, Outline, and cover almost all the identifiers.

  • Go to Definition

  • Hover

  • Autocomplete

    Multi Projects Support

    When detecting multiple Move.toml in the workspace, the semantics of these projects will be handled separately.

  • Project setting

  • Type in project 1

  • Type in project 2

    Sui Framework Integration

    Provide Sui project template, code snippets, integrated Sui unit test, and Sui command-line tools for the Sui framework.

  • Code Snippet

  • Unit Test

  • Commands

    MSL Support

    Implement necessary support for MSL, which includes Highlight, Go to Definition, Go to Type Definition, Hover, Autocomplete, and Spec Template.

  • Block Member Autocomplete

  • Variable Autocomplete

  • Generate spec for function